About me
Username: Howl Name: Morgan
Surname: Bazalgette
Birth date: 11/10/1999
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Website: 5tUp1d stUfF!1: n0rm41-üs3r - 977 ⇒ 3m0tiC0n Template: Nerdz Black ID: 2349
Comments: 23
Last visit: 2015/10/28
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Platform: Windows
Following (1/1) nessuno Paolo Galeone Is following since : 2015/10/25
Programmatore Go / JS / PHP. Studente di un liceo linguistico. Qui dentro vengo ogni tanto per lurkare, e a volte scrivo un commento o due. Sembra che io abbia una attrazione naturale verso la procrastinazione.
The Enrichment Center is required to remind you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake. Despite your violent behaviour, the only thing you've managed to break so far is my heart. Two plus two is... ten. IN BASE FOUR! I'M FINE! So. Are you holding up? BECAUSE I'M A POTATO. hitcircles with boob physics people will suck dicks regardless of what you do. it's human nature i swear god humanity wasn't always this gay Interests
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